Cruel Master or Willing Servant?

Starting a business, like starting any relationship, may lead paradise or to disaster.   Sometimes both.  When you are first in love, it’s extremely hard to imagine anything  but paradise, but statistics show otherwise.

Is your business your master or your servant?  Most slaves can’t fathom anything but slavery.  They can’t relate to freedbondage-chain-hands-blackom.  They can’t relate to being served and waited upon themselves.

Here we come along  and suggest that you can learn to capture and control your business in a way that it serves your life’s purposes.

Can business ownership be learned?

Let’s re-ask this question this way:
Can baseball be learned? Answer: Yes.

Question: Can I then play for the New York Yankees?
Answer: No. Give that Idea up early and often. If you were young, naturally talented and a hard worker and you were already being looked at by the Yankees, our answer may be a little softer.

But you see, that’s the beauty of business ownership. You don’t have to qualify to play for a minutely limited arena that isn’t best suited to the you that is really you. You can learn to be yourself (yes, there may be a steep learning curve) and succeed in business!


Of course it is.  Our term: “Business is the best game on earth!” is true because business is life.  Your business(es) and your life are totally intertwined and always should be.

mbEver notice how someone gets a bright idea, goes into business, the business takes off, then the bright-idea girl or boy gets busy building their new business (“It’s fun!” they say), next thing you hear is they are buying vacation houses and upgrading their digs, going on European vacations, hiring  new help and their only worry is if they should sell the business for a fabulous amount now or continue on and sell later.

Another someone gets a bright idea, goes 10into business and the drudgery begins.  Taxes are too high, the costs of hiring employees is always a strain, the paperwork piles up and the hours become long and tedious.

Either business in each of these scenarios can be a sandwich shop or a cement contractor.  It doesn’t matter. Drudgery is always an ever-present danger and can creep in slowly or land like a ton o’ bricks.

What’s more, it’s been our experience that the more a business owner feels totally self-reliant and feels they are able to take on the business and succeed through their own efforts alone, the greater chance of drudgery and failure.  The bubbly personality that begs help from everybody, or the not-too-intelligent person who knows they aren’t very intelligent and is usmed to asking the stupid questions and keeps asking them until they get an answer they can use, are the business owners who make it and make it sound easy.

Are we saying that your business struggles because of you?  We are saying that the two most important talents of a business owner are luck and the ability to get the right help.  Luck is what it is and is always in flux. (i.e. the game ain’t over ’till it’s over).  Asking for help is a talent.  Knowing who to ask it from is part of that talent and incorporating that help into the business is another part.

Business IS the best game on earth!!!